I’ll admit that all three of my dogs have been quite fascinated by cats!
Ok, that’s the understatement of the century. Chasing cats trumped just about everything else until I started to incorporate several particular measures, which brings us to today’s topic of how to stop your canine from chasing cats.
Although it might seem funny and evoke images of Tom & Jerry where the Bulldog chases Tom the cat, it tends to be stressful for cats in real life.
This post includes Amazon affiliate links. As an Amazon associate, That Mutt earns money from qualifying purchases.
Jump ahead to:
Stopping your canine from chasing cats essentially boils down to two different approaches.
Preventative methods to stop your canine from chasing cats
1. A dog’s early socialization to cats
2. understanding your dog’s prey drive
3. Train your canine to focus on you instead of the cat
Different options to help resolve the problem of dogs chasing cats
Barriers – crates, gates & leashes
Training & other tools
Adding a new canine to an recognized dog/cat household
Signs of tension in a cat can be:
What to do on a walk when your canine sees a cat he wants to chase
Using an e-collar to stop your canine from chasing the cat
الآن نود أن نسمع منك!
Stopping your canine from chasing cats essentially boils down to two different approaches.
The first one tackles the problem at its root, before it even occurs. That’s the preventative part. The second one lists a variety of options that resolve the problem once it’s actively happening.
Let’s start with the easy one, the preventative method!
Preventative methods to stop your canine from chasing cats
1. A dog’s early socialization to cats
Yes, cats and dogs can get along!
The easiest way to achieve this serene cohabitation is to introduce your puppy to your kitten early on for proper socialization. That’s the optimal case scenario, but introducing older cats to puppies is also effective.
That’s because dogs are the ones who can ultimately do much more harm to a cat than the other way around, so taking that element out of the equation from the get-go is huge.
I’ve been in a number of households in my capacity as a professional pet sitter where dogs and cats lived together under the same roofing system and got along just fine.
In many cases, the dogs got introduced to the local cat when they were puppies. They learned that cats are a normal part of each day life, and that a cat’s claws are nothing to be messed around with!
That was certainly the case with Bulldog puppy Chester and local cat Sherman. Chester only tried to roughhouse with Sherman a few times. He rapidly learned his lesson after Sherman’s claws put him in his place. They never play together, but they’ve been respectful of one another ever since.
2. understanding your dog’s prey drive
A dog’s prey drive is a normal part of his genetic makeup, but it’s much more active in some dogs than others. The prey drive is what kicks in when a canine sees other animals relocation quickly, especially smaller ones like cats, rabbits or squirrels, and entices them to chase after them.
A canine who’s about to start chasing his prey might do some or all of the following:
Stalk the prey
Keep his eyes fixated on the prey
Crouch down low to the ground
Very slowly relocation closer to the prey
His body will appear stiff best before he starts the chase
Note that some dogs may only want to chase after the cat in play. other dogs may not be trying to hurt the cat originally but in the middle of the excitement the canine could become aggressive. and then there are some dogs that certainly do have the objective to catch and harm the cat.
3. Train your canine to focus on you instead of the cat
Start working with your canine in a low-key environment such as the living room in your home.
Leash your canine if required and use the help of a family member or pal to instruct your canine to focus on you. each time your canine checks in with you, i.e. looks at you rather than at the other human you’ve enlisted to help, reward him with a high-value training treat.
Once your pup has mastered that concept, step up the game by using favorite toys. You can still keep your canine on a leash, then place the toy nearby and ask your canine to look at you rather than at the toy.
You can say a command like “watch me.” Whenever he does just that, reward with a treat. If you’re using a canine training clicker, click it as soon as he looks at you to mark the desired behavior, then treat.How to stop Your canine From Chasing Cats (###) I’ll admit that all three of my dogs have been quite fascinated by cats!
Ok, that’s the understatement of the century. Chasing cats trumped just about everything else until I started to incorporate several particular measures, which brings us to today’s topic of how to stop your canine from chasing cats.
Although it might seem funny and evoke images of Tom & Jerry where the Bulldog chases Tom the cat, it tends to be stressful for cats in real life.
This post includes Amazon affiliate links. As an Amazon associate, That Mutt earns money from qualifying purchases.
Jump ahead to:
Stopping your canine from chasing cats essentially boils down to two different approaches.
Preventative methods to stop your canine from chasing cats
1. A dog’s early socialization to cats
2. understanding your dog’s prey drive
3. Train your canine to focus on you instead of the cat
Different options to help resolve the problem of dogs chasing cats
Barriers – crates, gates & leashes
Training & other tools
Adding a new canine to an recognized dog/cat household
Signs of tension in a cat can be:
What to do on a walk when your canine sees a cat he wants to chase
Using an e-collar to stop your canine from chasing the cat
الآن نود أن نسمع منك!
Stopping your canine from chasing cats essentially boils down to two different approaches.
The first one tackles the problem at its root, before it even occurs. That’s the preventative part. The second one lists a variety of options that resolve the problem once it’s actively happening.
Let’s start with the easy one, the preventative method!
Preventative methods to stop your canine from chasing cats
1. A dog’s early socialization to cats
Yes, cats and dogs can get along!
The easiest way to achieve this serene cohabitation is to introduce your puppy to your kitten early on for proper socialization. That’s the optimal case scenario, but introducing older cats to puppies is also effective.
That’s because dogs are the ones who can ultimately do much more harm to a cat than the other way around, so taking that element out of the equation from the get-go is huge.
I’ve been in a number of households in my capacity as a professional pet sitter where dogs and cats lived together under the same roofing system and got along just fine.
In many cases, the dogs got introduced to the local cat when they were puppies. They learned that cats are a normal part of each day life, and that a cat’s claws are nothing to be messed around with!
That was certainly the case with Bulldog puppy Chester and local cat Sherman. Chester only tried to roughhouse with Sherman a few times. He rapidly learned his lesson after Sherman’s claws put him in his place. They never play together, but they’ve been respectful of one another ever since.
2. understanding your dog’s prey drive
A dog’s prey drive is a normal part of his genetic makeup, but it’s much more active in some dogs than others. The prey drive is what kicks in when a canine sees other animals relocation quickly, especially smaller ones like cats, rabbits or squirrels, and entices them to chase after them.
A canine who’s about to start chasing his prey might do some or all of the following:
Stalk the prey
Keep his eyes fixated on the prey
Crouch down low to the ground
Very slowly relocation closer to the prey
His body will appear stiff best before he starts the chase
Note that some dogs may only want to chase after the cat in play. other dogs may not be trying to hurt the cat originally but in the middle of the excitement the canine could become aggressive. and then there are some dogs that certainly do have the objective to catch and harm the cat.
3. Train your canine to focus on you instead of the cat
Start working with your canine in a low-key environment such as the living room in your home.
Leash your canine if required and use the help of a family member or pal to instruct your canine to focus on you. each time your canine checks in with you, i.e. looks at you rather than at the other human you’ve enlisted to help, reward him with a high-value training treat.
Once your pup has mastered that concept, step up the game by using favorite toys. You can still keep your canine on a leash, then place the toy nearby and ask your canine to look at you rather than at the toy.
You can say a command like “watch me.” Whenever he does just that, reward with a treat. If you’re using a canine training clicker, click it as soon as he looks at you to mark the desired behavior, then treat.من الشارع.
حمل التدريب عالي القيمة يعامل عليك لتشتيت انتباه كلابك عن القط ومكافأته على التركيز عليك بدلاً من ذلك.
استخدم طوق تدريبي مثل طوق الرأس أو طوق Martingale أو طوق الشق لمساعدتك على ملاءمة الكلب وإعادة توجيهه. تعرف على كيفية استخدام كل طوق بشكل صحيح قبل استخدامه. كل كلاب مختلفة.
فكر في إضافة حقيبة ظهر إلى مسارات كلبك. سيساعد ذلك في إبقائه يركز عليك وعلى “عمله” بدلاً من محركه فريسة.
انظر أيضًا منشورنا عند تقديم الكلاب الخاصة بك إلى قطتك
لقد سار جميع كلبي مع حقائب الظهر على أساس منتظم. على الرغم من أنهم لم يمنعوا من ملاحظة القطط التي كانت في حالة حركة ، إلا أنها ساهمت بشكل كبير في المشي بجوارها بطريقة أكثر فاعلية.
هذا لأنه جعلهم يركزون على وظيفة حمل الوزن. ساعدتني أطواق التدريب الخاصة بهم في إعادة توجيههم بعيدًا عن أي قطط صادفناها ، واستخدمت تعاملات التدريب لمكافأة الجراء على البقاء هادئًا إلى حد ما والاهتمام بي.
باستخدام ذوي الياقات الإلكترونية لمنع الكلاب من مطاردة القط
ليس لدي خبرة في استخدام ذوي الياقات الإلكترونية لتجنب الكلاب من مطاردة القطة ، لذلك يضيف Lindsay هذه المعلومات:
مرحبًا ، ليندساي هنا! نحصل على Weimaraner الثاني في يناير! تبلغ من العمر عامين مع وجود فريسة عالية (تدربت على صيد الطيور) ولم تعيش حول القطط.
نشأت Weim remy الحالية (في الصورة أدناه) مع قطتين ، بحيث قد يساعدنا ذلك قليلاً. ومع ذلك أنا لا تحمل أي مخاطر. (انظر منشورنا: هل يتوافق Weimaraners مع القطط؟)
سيكون الجرو الجديد “Raven” على مقود من أي وقت مضى في البداية ، وسنتبع كل الإرشادات التي لاحظتها باربرا أعلاه ، باستخدام الصناديق والبوابات والعمل على التحكم في الدافع ، وما إلى ذلك. سنأخذ المقدمة إلى قطتنا ببطء.
إذا شعرت أنه من الضروري ، أخطط لاستخدام ذوي الياقات الإلكترونية مع جهاز تحكم عن بعد وسوف أعطي تعديلًا صعبًا إذا قام Raven بتثبيت أو يحاول متابعة قطتنا. آمل ألا يكون هذا مطلوبًا وأن نرى النجاح باستخدام المعالجات والهدوء للسلوك الجيد. ومع ذلك ، فأنا معقول أيضًا بشأن سلالة صيد البالغين ولن أغتنم أي فرص. بالتأكيد سأقوم بنشر تحديث حول كيفية تسير الأمور. أتمنى لنا الحظ!
الآن نود أن نسمع منك!
الان حان دورك! أي واحدة من هذه الطرق التي ستنفذها لمنع الكلاب من مطاردة القطط؟ هل لديك أي نصيحة إضافية؟
إذا كان لديك أي أسئلة ، فأخبرنا في التعليقات!
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Barbara Rivers تكتب بشكل متكرر لهذا الغموض. وهي معتمدة في Nate Conine Food Nutrition من مجلة Dogsaly Naturally ومؤلفة ثلاثة كتب إلكترونية حول طعام الكلاب الخام المتوازن. هي مدون في K9S على القهوة.
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